Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Art Club News!!!

Last nights meeting had 25 attendees!! Very spirited meeting!!! Lots of ideas and energy. Note to selves - read 'Roberts Rules of Order' OR 'Lord of the Flies' before next meeting!!

Art club meetings are Mondays from 3:30 - 7:30 for working on the Halloween carnival booth background. And Tuesday from 3:30 - 5 ish. Mrs. Wheeler is in the art room until 4:30 or so every day, so work can be done then also.

Ballots for officer elections are in the art room. Members from last year, or new members who worked on the float may vote. So come by and vote!!!
Winners will be announced on Monday Oct. 1, 2007 at the meeting. Good luck to all!

We also are designing a t-shirt for the Art Club. The 'blank' is in the art room. It must say 'Discover Your Inner Artist' and 2007-2008 or '07 - '08 on it somewhere. Be creative, but we're keeping the cost below $15.00.
Deadline for designs is Monday at 3:30. We'll be voting for our design at the meeting on Monday. (First time attendees can't vote, sorry!!)

New fundraiser catalogs were also handed out. Lots of great stuff in there! Hit the teachers early! Especially Mrs. Franco, because she LOVES frogs! Also, try to get your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. to take it to work - they can really help us by doing that. This money will help pay for the club costs through the year and for t-shirts, letter jackets, art trips, etc. If you intend to participate in these things, sell your 'fair share' which is 12 items. The prizes are things you can pick out of the catalog, so remember - Christmas is right around the corner - 8 weeks!!!

Next meeting is Monday Oct. 1, 2007. VERY IMPORTANT MEETING!!!

Catching Up!

Homecoming 2007

Well kids, it's already the 5th week of the 6 weeks, and I'm just now posting! What a great ride this year is so far!
The Art Club float was a big hit, we won 1st place for clubs!!! It says 'The REAL mean behind green' and we had a lobo puppet with Kermit the frog!! Very cute!(The Lobos call themselves the Mean Green - all in good fun of course!!!)
There are still more pictures coming in, there is a group photo too.
Way to go Art Club!!!!!!

Monday, August 20, 2007

School is starting on Monday August 27!!!

Welcome back everyone!!

I've been cleaning in the artroom for 2 weeks :-P
It's almost ready, just don't open any cabinet doors!!!

Upper level folks should have picked up their composition books in June...hopefully you have been writing and drawing in them!!

Homecoming is September 21st against the Monahans Lobos(wolf) and their colors are GREEN and white. SO, we only have 4 weeks to get our float ready.

We have to elect art club and NAHS officers ASAP!

FUNDRAISER???? Band has already done one, but not American Lemonaid Stand - I'll order the sample today.

See you soon!! Mrs. W

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Come by the art room on Tuesday Jun 19 between 4-6PM
(Bring chips or dips or CHOCOLATE!!)

Pick up your 'assignment' book and check out my new books and supplies!
Look at the assignment journal I'm doing for my college class.
Add drawing paper to a few sheets in your journal with a glue stick.
Do some random journaling over the next 2 weeks about art, or 'issues' you'd like to address in your art, or processes and techniques you'd like to try, etc.
We'll meet again after the DC trip!
Plan pool party!!

Keep an eye on this page, because I'll put the times in here that I'll be in the artroom and you can come over and play!!


Monday, June 11, 2007

Email from Congressman Conaway's office

Hi Dan and Deb,
Here are some details that we have been given for June 28:
· Our DC office will receive an information packet for Joey on Monday before the reception on Thursday, June 28 so that will be given to Joey either when you arrive or the morning of the reception. He (and whoever is with him) will be accompanied by a staffer from our office during the morning before the reception.
· Itinerary for June 28
9-10am Students will check in with their Member's office (Congressman Conaway - 511 Cannon House Office Building-202-225-2605) and receive information packet. Member's office will arrange a photo with the Member and a Capitol Tour while the student is not at the workshop.
10am-12pm Workshop with Artist Antonio Martorell for Student Only (see bio information below)
Library of Congress Member's Room
10-10:30am Students from States: Alabama to Hawaii
10:40-11:10 Students from States: Illinois to New York
11:20-11:50 Students from States: North Carolina to Wyoming
12pm Doors to the Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony Open
Cannon Caucus Room 345
12:30-1p Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
District winners and their guest must be inside 345 Cannon HOB before 12:30pm
No one will be admitted to the room during the Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony.
1-2pm Reception (345 HOB)
Please note: Due to space limitations, only 1 guest may accompany each District Winner to the ceremony and reception. The student and the guest must have their ticket to enter 345 Cannon. We are unable to make any exceptions.
Biography for Speaker: Antonio Martorell
Antonio Martorell is a well known Puerto Rican painter, graphic artist, writer, and radio as well as television personality born on April 18, 1939 in Santurce, Puerto Rico. Educated in graphic design, printmaking, and performance, Martorell uses an alchemic mix of these traditions in his work. For nearly forty years, he has consistently extended his artistic and literary repertoire, and has become a multifaceted, admired artist.
Martorell studied Diplomacy in Washington, DC and traveled to Madrid, Spain to study Painting with Julio Martín Caro. After his return to Puerto Rico he started working in the "Puerto Rican Cultural Institute," which provides quality arts and culture for the community. As a writer, Martorell has written books such as La Piel de la Memoria (The Skin of Memory) and El Libro Dibujado (The Drawn Book).
He was the winner of the "Bienal de Arte de San Juan", which rewards innovative Puerto Rican or Latin American artists each year and he has also distinguished himself by illustrating the books of several authors including Alma Rosa Flor, Heraclio Cepeda and Pura Belpré.
Currently, he is the Resident Artist of the University of Cayey, in Puerto Rico, and he directs the Ramon Frade Museum at the same institution. He writes a column for Escenario, a section of the renowned Puerto Rican newspaper El Vocero, he owns a workshop in Ponce, Puerto Rico and another one in New York. Furthermore, he is the father of a famous dancer Alejandra Martorell and a proud grandfather.

Patsy Bain
District Scheduler
U. S. Representative Mike Conaway--TX 11
432.687.2390 - office
866.882.3811 - toll free

Here's one of Mr. Martorell's work that I like - Google him - he does 'protest' art - always good to use your art to make a statement about something you believe in!

Erica, show this to Joey, ok???

Trip to Washington DC

On April 17, 2007, Joey's photograph 'Sacred Silence' won first place in the 11th US Congressional District and there is a reception in Washington DC on Jun 28. This a huge honor. We are so excited!!! We leave on Wed. Jun 27 and come back on Sat Jun 30 - Joey, his mom, me and Dan are going! We'll be getting paperwork, cameras, and clothes ready for this great trip! keep you posted!!
This is a picture of Joey and Congressman Conaway 4/17/07

Sending you links to the blogs!

I bought some new 'stuff', come by to play!! I'll be here all day Tuesday - 9-4 at least. I'm working on my school work for college! Hope your summer is off to a great start! Mine is! I have 2 blogs, and I'll send you the link to both. Send me ideas, info, or whatever, this way we can keep in touch! Mrs. W

Friday, June 1, 2007

Muchas Voces; Un Espiritu (Many Voices; One Spirit)

Go see this exhibit!! It's at the Ellen Noel Museum in Odessa and it's free!
Muchas Voces; Un Espiritu (Many Voices; One Spirit)
March 9 thru July 15, 2007

1. Head south on US-385 toward Odessa drive 26.1 mi
2. Turn left at TX-338-LOOP drive for 7.6 mi
3. Exit onto E. University Blvd. Drive to the Ellen Noel Museum, on the right.
4909 E University Blvd - (432) 550-9696

It is an awesome exhibit - many creative mixed media artists.

Getting it off the ground!!

WELCOME to Andrews High School Art Department's blog. This will be replaced(maybe) eventually, with a webpage, but for now, it will be our summer link to each other! You can post comments to it, ask questions, etc. Email me with ideas, and I'll cut and paste them in as a post from me(you) - this will be fun! It's not exactly MySpace, but it'll work! WELCOME!!