Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Art Club News!!!

Last nights meeting had 25 attendees!! Very spirited meeting!!! Lots of ideas and energy. Note to selves - read 'Roberts Rules of Order' OR 'Lord of the Flies' before next meeting!!

Art club meetings are Mondays from 3:30 - 7:30 for working on the Halloween carnival booth background. And Tuesday from 3:30 - 5 ish. Mrs. Wheeler is in the art room until 4:30 or so every day, so work can be done then also.

Ballots for officer elections are in the art room. Members from last year, or new members who worked on the float may vote. So come by and vote!!!
Winners will be announced on Monday Oct. 1, 2007 at the meeting. Good luck to all!

We also are designing a t-shirt for the Art Club. The 'blank' is in the art room. It must say 'Discover Your Inner Artist' and 2007-2008 or '07 - '08 on it somewhere. Be creative, but we're keeping the cost below $15.00.
Deadline for designs is Monday at 3:30. We'll be voting for our design at the meeting on Monday. (First time attendees can't vote, sorry!!)

New fundraiser catalogs were also handed out. Lots of great stuff in there! Hit the teachers early! Especially Mrs. Franco, because she LOVES frogs! Also, try to get your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. to take it to work - they can really help us by doing that. This money will help pay for the club costs through the year and for t-shirts, letter jackets, art trips, etc. If you intend to participate in these things, sell your 'fair share' which is 12 items. The prizes are things you can pick out of the catalog, so remember - Christmas is right around the corner - 8 weeks!!!

Next meeting is Monday Oct. 1, 2007. VERY IMPORTANT MEETING!!!

Catching Up!

Homecoming 2007

Well kids, it's already the 5th week of the 6 weeks, and I'm just now posting! What a great ride this year is so far!
The Art Club float was a big hit, we won 1st place for clubs!!! It says 'The REAL mean behind green' and we had a lobo puppet with Kermit the frog!! Very cute!(The Lobos call themselves the Mean Green - all in good fun of course!!!)
There are still more pictures coming in, there is a group photo too.
Way to go Art Club!!!!!!